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A graphics and review site in which people may request posters or story reviews for their works. Headed by Kim. All questions, comments, feedback, or concerns should be sent to caramelesquee@gmail.com.


Admin: Kim
Opened: April 12, 2011
Type: Graphics and Reviews
Resolution: 1024 x 768


Reviews Blog
Pick Ups
Graphics Request
Review Request
Status Page
Staff Application


ShoutMix chat widget


April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011


Original Layout: DayBeforeMisery
Edited: Kim
Host: Blogger

019}-- Happy Easter!
Date: Sunday, April 24, 2011 || Time: 1:11 PM

From our lovely affiliates:

Have a great Easter everybody!

018}-- Update + Let's Save Kim's Butt
Date: Monday, April 18, 2011 || Time: 5:09 PM
Hello everybody! 'Tis your lovely admin/webmistress Kim coming at you from the back of a seminar room at school. There are a few things I'd like to cover, though it's not much but it's important.

Firstly, I'd like to thank those who have requested so far - you are all amazing! Thank you for following the rules as well as giving us business. Tell all your friends about us okay? And to the lovely staff who fulfilled these requests, you are all lovely souls that each deserve virtual cookies, hugs, and rainbows.

Secondly, I will be doing a layout change on May 12. It really isn't much of a layout change as it'll have the same coding, but the background and the header will change and possibly the site colours. Here's a preview of the header:

It's a tiny preview but what do you think? Thoughts in the shoutbox!

Requests have been coming in really slowly, which is completely understandable seeing as we are still a new site. However, I hope you guys send word out that we're new and are perfectly capable of fulfilling requests - because you know you want to! ;) Also, I will be leaving for Washington on April 27 and I won't be back until April 30, so this site will not be updated in that time frame.

Next - this point actually has nothing to do with the site - I would really love if you could fill THIS FORM out for me. I need surveys for school and I have to finish this report before I leave for Washington. So please check it out! If you'd like me to pass my course (:

I'd also like to welcome our newest affiliates:

Thanks for your interest in affiliating with Caramelesque! :D

Last but definitely not least, I'd like to welcome leerimrae our newest Graphic Designer and fourevermuzik, Aznchika, and SSZE_A501 - our newest Reviewers! We now have a grand total of 15 staff including myself. Staff applications are now closed for the time being seeing as our staff outnumber our requests. Of course, when the time calls for it, I may re-open applications. For now, I'd like to thank all those who've applied and to say that Caramelesque's staff is full of AWESOME.

This is all for now, if I forget anything, I'll just end up making another post about it. For now, ta-ta!


017}-- Happy Birthday Emma!
Date: Friday, April 15, 2011 || Time: 8:32 PM
Call me a biased admin, but what can I say, I'm a big fan.

Forgive me for the really tacky graphic, but I actually just got back home and was itching to make something for her birthday. Anyway, Happy 21st Birthday Emma!

'Tis all, now I should go update the statuses and what not, ta-ta.

-- Kim

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016}-- Review Pick Up
Date: || Time: 4:52 AM
All links here will be deleted after 2 weeks from notification. Remember to give credit underneath your poster or in your description. You can always look for your review on our review blog here.

None at the moment.

Labels: ,

015}-- Graphics Pick Up
Date: || Time: 4:47 AM
All links here will be deleted after 2 weeks from notification. Remember to give credit underneath your poster and to upload it on to your own server.

Name: anadd23
Story: Bloody Kiss
Type of Graphic: Story Poster
Designer: superseoul11
Pick Up By: July 9

Name: jolove02
Story: Chronicles of Love & Death
Type of Graphic: Story Poster
Designer: Kim
Pick Up By: July 11

Name: MaxTae
Story: Cold Flame
Type of Graphic: Story Poster
Designer: Kim
Pick Up By: July 11

Name: cindy92pillay
Story: Remember the Forgotten
Type of Graphic: Story Poster
Designer: Kim
Pick Up By: July 14

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014}-- Pick Ups
Date: Thursday, April 14, 2011 || Time: 4:45 AM
Please check the status page to see whether or not your request has been finished. Leave a comment in the shoutbox when you have picked up your graphic. All links here will be deleted after 2 weeks from notification. Remember to give credit underneath your poster and to upload it on to your own server.

Labels: , ,

013}-- Graphic Designer Applications Are Closed
Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 || Time: 4:39 PM
Hey everybody!

So far so good with the site I hope! Requests are a bit slow, but that's okay, it was to be expected. I look forward to many more requests to come (: This update is regarding staff applications. As you can see, we have quite a bit of talented Graphic Designers in our midst, and I think that because Caramelesque is still fairly new, having a large number of Graphic Designers (or staff for that matter) is not (yet) necessary.

Although I appreciate the fact that many people would like to apply for a position here at Caramelesque, I think things should be taken a bit slow right now. Graphic Designer applications are not closed forever, but rather momentarily until we start to pile up on requests. However, Reviewer applications are still open! I may just accept another one or two (maybe three) of course and then I think we'll have a balanced number.

That's about it for this update, see you all next time!

-- Kim


012}-- WE'RE OPEN!
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 || Time: 3:20 AM

011}-- It's almost time...
Date: Sunday, April 10, 2011 || Time: 8:53 PM
In just a little over 24 hours, I will finally open the site for business! There's a great staff lined up, and I'm happy that you guys applied! I may open the AsianFanfics shop a little earlier than the actual site, just to get ourselves out there. I have to do a few more tweaks here and there but other than that, it seems that it's all in order.

The Reviews Blog has indeed been created but has yet to be completely ready, which I am working on right now. In all honesty, I keep thinking that I'm forgetting something and I'm a little paranoid about opening the site for requests. Nonetheless, I just hope for this to go smoothly.

This will be the last update for pre-opening. I look forward to seeing many requests to come and lots of love - tell your friends!

-- Kim


010}-- Status Page
Date: || Time: 8:43 PM
Staff Status

Kim: Active - Working on (1) request // (3) requests pending
thousandloveletters: Active - (1) request pending
Aznchika: Active - (1) request pending
fourevermuzik: Active - No requests pending
SSZE_A501: Active - Working on (1) request

Graphic Designers
Kim: Active - Working on (1) request // (2) requests pending
superseoul11: HIATUS - DO NOT REQUEST
Micaela: Active - No requests pending
MushieMonster: Active - (1) request pending
Su Ann: Active - (1) request pending
Jtoasn: Active - No requests pending
Syikin: Active - (2) requests pending

009}-- Graphics Status
Date: || Time: 8:43 PM
Please check this page regularly to see if your request has been processed, finished, or is being worked on. All links are removed after 2 weeks.

Name: KawaiiKukki
Story: I'm Not Normal Anymore
Type of Graphic: Story Poster
Designer: Kim
Request Processed: June 25
Currently: Working On

Name: RunRose
Story: The Dolls
Type of Graphic: Story Poster
Designer: Syikin
Request Processed: June 27
Currently: Pending

Name: seororo
Story: They're Forbidden (Chapter Two)
Type of Graphic: Chapter Poster
Designer: MushieMonster
Request Processed: June 27
Currently: Pending

Name: diddlesme
Story: And We're Back To Square One, Strangers Again
Type of Graphic: Story Poster
Designer: Kim
Request Processed: June 27
Currently: On hold

Name: S_Sooyeon
Story: Haneul High School Host Club
Type of Graphic: Story Poster
Designer: Syikin
Request Processed: June 30
Currently: Pending

Name: ninetyseven
Story: Substitute Husband
Type of Graphic: Story Poster
Designer: Kim
Request Processed: July 2
Currently: On hold

Name: kpopfanatic005
Story: My Guardian Angel
Type of Graphic: Story Poster
Designer: Su Ann
Request Processed: July 2
Currently: Pending

Finished Requests

Name: anadd23
Story: Bloody Kiss
Type of Graphic: Story Poster
Designer: superseoul11
Request Processed: June 18
Currently: DONE - Please proceed to pick ups.

Name: jolove02
Story: CHRONICLES of love & death
Type of Graphic: Story Poster
Designer: Kim
Request Processed: May 18
Currently: DONE - Please proceed to pick ups.

Name: MaxTae
Story: Cold Flame
Type of Graphic: Story Poster
Designer: Kim
Request Processed: May 18
Currently: DONE - Please proceed to pick ups.

Name: cindy92pillay
Story: Remember the Forgotten
Type of Graphic: Story Poster
Designer: Kim
Request Processed: June 25
Currently: DONE - Please proceed to pick ups.

008}-- Review Status
Date: || Time: 8:32 PM
Please check this page regularly to see if your request has been processed, finished, or is being worked on. All links are removed after 2 weeks.

Name: KeyIchigo
Story: What Am I Living For?
Reviewer: Kim
Request Processed: April 25
Currently: Working On

Name: ilovemuffins
Story: You Complete Me
Reviewer: SSZE_A501
Request Processed: May 2
Currently: Working On

Name: b2utyfulshawol
Story: So... I'm His Boyfriend?
Reviewer: Kim
Request Processed: May 2
Currently: On hold

Name: fishykevinwoo
Story: Complementary Differences
Reviewer: fourevermuzik
Request Processed: May 5
Currently: Working On

Name: iiRAWRyoo
Story: I'm 19.....AND MARRIED?!
Reviewer: Kim
Request Processed: May 25
Currently: On Hold

Name: seororo
Story: The 10 Years Deal
Reviewer: thousandloveletters
Request Processed: June 27
Currently: Pending

Name: RunRose
Story: Human
Reviewer: Aznchika
Request Processed: July 2
Currently: Pending

Finished Requests


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007}-- Update!
Date: Thursday, April 7, 2011 || Time: 7:32 PM
Okay, so most of the important pages are done, so once I review all applications and begin to add staff to the list, I can also do the request status page. I've gotten lots of applications for Graphic Designers but I don't have as much luck with the Reviewer applications.

Also, what I mentioned before, I believe staff applications will be open indefinitely, until I find a time when we no longer need applicants. I suppose it'll help the site to be ever-growing in a way, but for now, it's starting off rather small because Caramelesque is pretty irrelevant to anyone at the moment, I think it's fair to say. In any case, I'm in the middle of setting up an AFF account, which will open the same day as requests, but I hope to generate a little attention around our site by that time. AM I BEING TOO GREEDY?!

Anyway, I'd like to thank all the recent affiliates! You're all wonderful and I look forward to getting on in good terms with all of you (: On that note, I'd just like to say I can't wait for the grand opening, and I hope more people apply (preferably for a Reviewer position, but both are open) HERE!

S'all for now dearies, tata!


006}-- Staff
Date: || Time: 6:07 PM
--{ a d m i n }--
Name: Kim
Birthday: April 12
Who Are You? I'm Kim, I am the admin for this site, also acting as a graphic designer and reviewer. I live in Canada and we use the polar bears to go to school. Believe me? Your call. Harry Potter is number one, the best of the best, amazing etc. etc. I have a major girl crush on Emma Watson and a bit on Katy Perry, what can I say. I love eating and sleeping which makes me your average couch potato. The only difference is that I like jogging and what not too. I'm generally very nice, so don't hesitate to approach me ;)
Biases: Big Bang (Taeyang), 2NE1 (All), SHINee (Jonghyun), 2PM (Wooyoung & Junho), MBLAQ (Seungho), BEAST (Junhyung & Kikwang), Teen Top (All), Dalmatian (Daniel).
Graphic Examples:
Review Examples:
Do You Review Rated Fics? Yes.
Themes Best At: I'm comfortable with any.
Type of Graphics: Story Poster, Icons, Headers, Chapter Poster, Banners.


005}-- Reviewers
Date: || Time: 6:07 PM
Name: Cerebral
Birthday: March 25
Who Are You? I'm err...straightforward and blunt. I love doing 5000000000000000000 things at once or I won't feel at peace ^^
Biases: Leeteuk, Epik High, Heechul, Sung-min, Kyuhyun, Lee Joon.
Do You Review Rated Fics? Yes.

Name: thousandloveletters
Birthday: September 21
Who Are You? Tiffany's the name! ^^ My mum's korean, and my dad's chinese. I love to sing, write, and read fanfics. I'm the kind who would really lose myself in fanfics! :DD
Biases: Taemin, Jonghyun - SHINee ; Leeteuk, Ryeowook, Yesung - Super Junior ; Hongki, Minhwan - FT Island ; Tiffany, Yoona, Yuri, Jessica - SNSD ; Dara, CL - 2NE1 ; Nicole - Kara ; IU
Do You Review Rated Fics? Yes.

Name: Aznchika
Birthday: September 16
Who Are You? I am a regular Vietnamese girl living in the US with my awesome family and friends! I like writing, especially mystery stories, and I'm a pretty talkative person. If you wanna talk, don't hesitate because I. Don't. Bite :D
Biases: Kim Jonghyun (SHINee), Leeteuk (Super Junior), Wooyoung (2PM), IU.
Do You Review Rated Fics? No.

Name: fourevermuzik
Birthday: August 10
Who Are You? Hi! I'm Nami. Full-bred Indonesian, now residing in the States; I'm younger than most people, but I act pretty old. I have had experience writing for a while so you can trust me as writer ^^ I learn best from my mistakes, so I hope to give you guys the same experience through my reviews! Hope we can work well together~
Biases: SHINee, Big Bang, BEAST, DBSK, 2NE1, SNSD, Super Junior, 4Minute, UKISS, MBLAQ, IU.
Do You Review Rated Fics? Preferably no.

Name: SSZE_A501
Birthday: January 15
Who Are You? My name is Kim Choyoung, i'm korean who loves to do fan-art on programs, read and write korean/english novels and fan-fictions, I mostly like cooking and styling my hair everyday.
I was a TripleS (SS501 fan) and ZE:A's (Children of Empire fan) since their debut. I met a lot of singers and actors before so i'm ready to give my honest reviews on any boy/girl bands. Thanks~^^!
Biases: SS501 & ZE:A (Children of Empire).
Do You Review Rated Fics? Yes.

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004}-- Graphic Designers
Date: || Time: 5:40 PM
Name: superseoul11
Birthday: July 11
Who Are You? Well, I'm shy and down-to-earth. (Does that count as self praise?) I like to learn with experience, so I will get better at anything I do with practice. I love Korean things: music, art, dramas, movies, people. I'm pretty mature for my age, but I tend to be slow at things that aren't school-related. Like, if you tell a joke, I won't get it until five minutes later. I'm also very gullible. I love bunnies, and I was born in the year of the Ox. I also love anime and manga. Have a nice day.
Biases: Super Junior-Eunhyuk, Donghae, Leeteuk, Kyuhyun, SHINee-Onew & Taemin, SNSD-Jessica, Tiffany, Taeyon, Soehyun, f(x)-Sulli & Amber, ZE:A-Kwanghee, Junyoung, Kevin, CNBlue-Jungshin, Minhyuk, FT Island-Lee Hongki, Girl's Day-Mina, After School-UEE, KARA-Nicole, the list goes on~
Themes Best At: Romantic, cute, and happy. Occasionally dark posters.
Type of Graphics: Story Posters, Character Charts, and Backgrounds.

Name: Micaela
Birthday: June 15
Who Are You? I'm a cheerful and bubbly girl, who is clever and creative. I love being friends with everyone. I have been doing graphics just this last November 2010. I love Kpop as much as i love graphic arts and writing stories.
Biases: SHINee, 2pm, Rain, Super Junior, SNSD, Miss A, KARA, SS501, and LEE TAEMIN.
Themes Best At: Any (except rated).
Type of Graphic: Story Poster.

Name: MushieMonster
Birthday: January 1
Who Are You? I'm a fourteen year old teen now on her 1st year of high school. I love graphic designing since my brother influenced me so that's about how I started liking doing graphics and play around with pictures. I'm a proud shawol or shawty, I like ice cream (cookies and cream, the usual flavor!) and I like writing stories too. Well that's about how my life works! haha!
Biases: SHINee (Jonghyun or Key), SNSD (Sunny, Tiffany and Seohyun)
Themes Best At: Happy, exciting, sad, and tragic.
Type of Graphic: Any.

Name: Su Ann
Birthday: July 15
Who Are You? hellow, i'm su ann. i fell in love with SHINee after watching their hello baby. ^^ like to write fanfics and design graphics. usually i spend my time on homework and the computer, heh! (:
Biases: Jonghyun, Onew, Taemin (SHINee); Sunny, Yoona (SNSD); Yoseob (B2ST); Jaejin, Seunghyun, Minhwan (FTI)
Themes Best At: Any - preferably happy and cute.
Type of Graphics: Character Charts, Story Posters.

Name: Jtoasn
Birthday: January 21
Who Are You? I'm a song, wrapped up in a video, drizzled with writing sauce and rolled in graphic newspaper and served with a cup full of awesome. Yeah. That's right. That's what I said. A cup full of awesome.
Biases: Korean and Japanese stars.
Themes Best At: Romantic, drama, sad, comedy, and lighthearted. (Requesters own photos accepted, but please provide HQ images, and for ulzzangs, provide photos please. Thank You.)
Type of Graphics: Backgrounds, Posters, Banners, and Headers.

Name: squirtleturtle
Birthday: August 16
Who Are You? My name is Seohyun Hwang, and I was actually born in Daegu, but I moved to Georgia when I was young sadly. I've been playing around with graphic designing for around a year now. I'm addicted to Korean dramas too [my favorite is Kim Tak Gu, King of Baking!]. My ipod also pretty much just has kpop songs. Yes I am that awesome :).
Biases: BIG BANG, f(x), MBLAQ, B2ST, Infinite, Miss A, SHINee, ONEDAY [2PM&2AM], Jay Park, FT Island, Super Junior & 2NE1.
Themes Best At: Romantic and sad. Sometimes cute and happy.
Type of Graphics: Story Posters, Character Charts, and Chapter Posters.

Name: Syikin
Birthday: February 4
Who Are You? Hi! My name is Syikin. I'm only 14. I lov editing graphics as it is my passion. I'm good in cute poster and I'm currently improvising myself in dark/angst poster.
Biases: Super Junior, DBSK, JYJ, SHINee, and SNSD.
Themes Best At: Cute, happy, romantic, angst.
Type of Graphics: Story Posters, Character Charts, Backgrounds, Chapter Posters.

Name: leerimrae
Birthday: March 27
Who Are You? Annyeong haseyo... My name is Iris Zativita. Or you can call me with my korean name Lee Rimrae. I live in Indonesia, in a big city called Surabaya. I'm a cheerleader at my school. I love maths so much ><
My Laptop is my life... So, I bring it everyday to my school. I'm really in love with Lee Donghae from Super Junior... And I really want to be Hwang Miyoung's and Key's dongsaeng...
Biases: Lee Donghae, Cho Kyuhyun, Lee Hyukjae, Hwang Miyoung, Kim Kibum - Key, Jung Heechul.
Themes Best At: Any - except rated.
Type of Graphics: Story Posters, and Chapter Posters.

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003}-- Review Request
Date: || Time: 11:22 AM
Please check the status page regularly to see if your request has been processed, finished, or is being worked on. All links are removed after 2 weeks.

1. By requesting for a review, you must realize that the review of the reviewer may not be to your liking. Please respect the reviewer as they took time to fulfill the request for you.
2. Please do not spam the shoutbox regarding the status of your request, look at the status page for that. Reviewers will be able to fulfill requests in a 2-4 week time frame, depending on the amount of chapters your story has.
3. Unlike graphics request, you are allowed to request a review from other sites to get multiple opinions on your story.
4. Please put up a link to the review plus a credit line to the reviewer either underneath your poster or in your description.
5. Do not alter or delete the link to your review. Remember, the reviewer took time out of their regular schedules to do this for you.
6. When requesting, please be sure that you will follow through with your story. If you delete your story after we have written a review for you, you will be blacklisted and our affiliates will be informed immediately.
7. If you’d like to cancel a request, please get in contact with us as soon as possible, otherwise you will have to post up the link to your review. Please email caramelesquee@gmail.com if you plan on doing so.
8. Failure to comply with the rules will result in you being blacklisted. So follow them!


Labels: ,

002}-- Graphics Request
Date: || Time: 11:13 AM
Please check the status page regularly to see if your request has been processed, finished, or is being worked on. All links are removed after 2 weeks.

1. Please provide HQ images.
2. Do not request multiple times from different sites. Not only does it waste our time but it also wastes the other site’s time.
3. Please credit the designer in the foreword/description.
4. If you are not able to or do not provide images, the designers will choose for you.
5. If you’d like to cancel a request, please get in contact with us as soon as possible, otherwise you will have to use the poster if it has already been made. Please email caramelesquee@gmail.com if you plan on doing so.
6. You may only ask for a maximum of ONE poster change if you are not satisfied with the result. Please email caramelesquee@gmail.com if you plan on doing so.
7. If your first choice designer is currently handling a lot of requests, your request will be automatically forwarded to your second choice.
8. Please do not request a designer who has 4 pending requests under their name.
9. Upload your posters on to your own servers. Hotlinking is a no-no!
10. Please do not spam the shoutbox regarding the status of your request, look at the status page for that. Designers will be able to fulfill requests in a 2-4 week time frame.
11. When requesting, please be sure that you will follow through with your story. If you delete your story after we have made a poster for you, you will be blacklisted and our affiliates will be informed immediately.
12. You are only able to request one type of graphic per form. You are welcome to make another request after the designer has finished with your previous request.
13. Failure to comply with the rules will result in you being blacklisted. So follow them!


Labels: ,

001}-- Hello!
Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2011 || Time: 1:35 PM
Hello and welcome to caramelesque, a graphics and review request site. I'm currently in need of staff, specifically:

4 Graphic Designers
3 Reviewers


I was thinking of opening this up for oneshot requests as well but I think it's better that I start it off like this. Of course, depending on how much interest I can generate with the site, that is the only amount of people I'm looking for. However, if, given the circumstances, I am able to find more than what I was originally looking for, then the staff applications may remain open.

I plan on opening this site on my birthday, which is rather short notice but doable. Nonetheless, I hope you take interest! (:

Any questions, comments, or feedback can be left in the shoutbox or in an email to caramelesquee@gmail.com.

-- Kim

000}- Affiliates
Date: || Time: 1:31 PM

Sister Site



Lady Vint.

- Audacious Ardor
- jtoasn art
