Name: Cerebral
Birthday: March 25
Who Are You? I'm err...straightforward and blunt. I love doing 5000000000000000000 things at once or I won't feel at peace ^^
Biases: Leeteuk, Epik High, Heechul, Sung-min, Kyuhyun, Lee Joon.
Do You Review Rated Fics? Yes.
Examples: ✫
Name: thousandloveletters
Birthday: September 21
Who Are You? Tiffany's the name! ^^ My mum's korean, and my dad's chinese. I love to sing, write, and read fanfics. I'm the kind who would really lose myself in fanfics! :DD
Biases: Taemin, Jonghyun - SHINee ; Leeteuk, Ryeowook, Yesung - Super Junior ; Hongki, Minhwan - FT Island ; Tiffany, Yoona, Yuri, Jessica - SNSD ; Dara, CL - 2NE1 ; Nicole - Kara ; IU
Do You Review Rated Fics? Yes.
Name: Aznchika
Birthday: September 16
Who Are You? I am a regular Vietnamese girl living in the US with my awesome family and friends! I like writing, especially mystery stories, and I'm a pretty talkative person. If you wanna talk, don't hesitate because I. Don't. Bite :D
Biases: Kim Jonghyun (SHINee), Leeteuk (Super Junior), Wooyoung (2PM), IU.
Do You Review Rated Fics? No.
Name: fourevermuzik
Birthday: August 10
Who Are You? Hi! I'm Nami. Full-bred Indonesian, now residing in the States; I'm younger than most people, but I act pretty old. I have had experience writing for a while so you can trust me as writer ^^ I learn best from my mistakes, so I hope to give you guys the same experience through my reviews! Hope we can work well together~
Biases: SHINee, Big Bang, BEAST, DBSK, 2NE1, SNSD, Super Junior, 4Minute, UKISS, MBLAQ, IU.
Do You Review Rated Fics? Preferably no.
Name: SSZE_A501
Birthday: January 15
Who Are You? My name is Kim Choyoung, i'm korean who loves to do fan-art on programs, read and write korean/english novels and fan-fictions, I mostly like cooking and styling my hair everyday.
I was a TripleS (SS501 fan) and ZE:A's (Children of Empire fan) since their debut. I met a lot of singers and actors before so i'm ready to give my honest reviews on any boy/girl bands. Thanks~^^!
Biases: SS501 & ZE:A (Children of Empire).
Examples: ✫ ✫ ✫Do You Review Rated Fics? Yes.
Labels: review, staff