Hello everybody!
And so we're back,
Caramelesque is currently back from hiatus! I've just realized how much of a mess things have been, but there wasn't much I could do since school was literally eating me up inside. Two weeks of hell prior to my current exam time meant no sleep, lots of caffeine, and constantly on edge. I haven't been able to keep up with the activities from
Caramelesque for which I apologize. I'm currently in the process of cleaning things up around here and hopefully things will be in full swing again in no time!
To all those who have requested and are still sticking around, thank you so much for being patient with us. Requests are open once again and those that are still on the status page, your requests will be complete in the next two weeks. The staff are all amazing, and they're stuck with an unfortunate webmiss such as myself. Ah well, the world still goes round. Sadly, this brings me to a very unfortunate event, in which our reviewer,
perfection_means_nothing is resigning. Although it's been a short time, she's done so much for this site, and I'd like to thank her for sticking around and doing all those requests. If you had requested from her and it hasn't been completed, I have either emailed you or wrote on your AFF wall. Again, you will be missed bb! ): Here's a little something I whipped up really quickly for you:

That is all for now lovelies, please look out for a new and improved
Caramelesque in the coming weeks!
-- Kim